Photos of the IONTOF TOF-SIMS
Here at Colorado School of Mines University we are blessed to have some of the most advanced analytical instruments in world at our disposal to conduct research with, including an IONTOF TOF-SIMS V.
Despite being slowed by a worldwide pandemic, our TOF-SIMS instrument performed admirably, advancing the fields of ceramics, photovoltaics, fuel cells, steels, semiconductors, additive manufacturing, and low temperature electrochemical devices, just to name a few.
With nearly 800 hours of usage in 2020 and over 2300 hours since its install in the summer of 2018, our TOF-SIMS helped students, facility, other universities and industry leaders obtain valuable data to further their research and find root causes to poor performing materials.
Our TOF-SIMS is uniquely equipped with an insitu Focused Ion Beam (FIB), Argon Gas Cluster source (great for polymers and organics), an Extended Dynamic Range Analyzer (7 orders of magnitude), and a hermetically sealed transfer vessel for atmospheric and moisture-sensitive samples.
If you have need for TOF-SIMS analysis, or would like to see if your research or samples could benefit from TOF-SIMS, please feel free to contact Michael Walker: mawalker@mines.edu.