The Colorado Center for Advanced Ceramics at Colorado School of Mines is a focal point for exciting technological developments in advanced ceramics.
Welcome from our director
Welcome to the Colorado Center for Advanced Ceramics (CCAC) website!
The CCAC was created in 1989 with help from CoorsTek to serve as a focal point within the State of Colorado for interdisciplinary research and education on ceramics and relatedmaterials, including their synthesis, processing, manufacturing, properties and performance.
Today our center advances research in a large variety of materials of interest to industry and government. We work with about $4M in research funding per year from federal, state and industrial sources. Since its inception, the CCAC has maintained a strong connection to industry partners who make, use and/or measure ceramics of all types.
While the CCAC maintains and operates a plethora of equipment and facilities, its strength is in the students, postdocs, staff and faculty. If you are interested in more information, please feel free to contact us.
Contact Us
Geoff Brennecka
Herman F. Coors Distinguished Professor of Ceramic Engineering
Associate Professor, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Director, Colorado Center for Advanced Ceramics
Co-Director, Alliance for The Development of Additive Processing Technologies
Kelly Ragland
Center Manager
Student Wins Artistic Category in Keramos Mug Drop Competition
This achievement showcases the creative talents of our students alongside their technical skills.Congratulations to Kaylyn Courtney, whose mug design claimed victory in the Artistic category of the Keramos mug drop competition and was deemed, “the most aesthetically...
Mines Keramos Chapter Receives Sapphire Award
The Mines Keramos Chapter has been honored with a Sapphire Award for their exceptional activities over the past year. This award recognizes the chapter's commitment to excellence and their active engagement in the field of ceramic engineering.
CCAC Director Appointed as ACerS Global Ambassador
We're proud to announce that our own Dr. Geoff Brennecka has been named an ACerS Global Ambassador. This appointment recognizes Dr. Brennecka's significant contributions to the American Ceramic Society, its members and his role in fostering international collaboration...