From: Stacey Lucero
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2021 4:57 PM
To: mt-faculty ; mme-grad-students ; mt-ugrad-students ; hillhall ; MT-Postdocs
Subject: NEW – Key and Blastercard access process
Importance: High
Good afternoon,
You may have seen notifications in the Daily Blast that Access Services (Lock Shop) has a new process to request all hard key and Blastercard access through FAMIS. As building proctor for Hill Hall I wanted to make sure you are all aware of this change that is now in place since the old access forms will no longer be used.
Please go to Access Services website for directions: and click on the “Click here” link for step by step instructions.
Students: Once I receive the FAMIS electronic request I will contact you by email and ask that you provide email confirmation of permission to use the lab/area by the lab owner.
Quick tip for everyone: Once you chose the property be sure to use “General” for the floor along with the other options listed in this example for Hill Hall. You will add the specific area (such as HH 175, etc.) in the online form that will appear in another step.
Stacey Lucero
Office Manager and Student Services Administrator
George S Ansell Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
920 15th Street | Hill Hall 201 | Golden, CO 80401
303-273-3780 |